Look, I’m telling you, the star is wrong. The baby should totally be right here.

lost camel

Away in a manger, no sealed glass dome for a bed…

9 thoughts on “Look, I’m telling you, the star is wrong. The baby should totally be right here.

  1. Louise

    Wait. Who’s that in the globe? All-grown-up Jesus? Joseph, looking for a little peace and quiet, what with the squalling baby and all the visitors?

    I’m so glad the Cavalcade is back!

  2. Di

    This makes me think that JC is related to Glenda, the good witch. She arrived in a bubble too! And what if there is a leak? The wisemen will be flooded!

  3. sheba

    And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in the third floor walk-up flat, because there was no place for them in the inn….

  4. Jenn

    3 wise men and no one brought a map.. or asked for directions..

    And yeah, I’m curious about the full grown Jesus.. I bet that delivery hurt like all get out!

  5. Katherine

    Would YOU stay at this inn? The place looks like it could implode at any minute! I wouldn’t take a baby on top of that ramshackle place, and I certainly wouldn’t take him IN that place.

    And who keeps their livestock on the roof, for heaven’s sake?

  6. ecuadoriana

    Apparently, judging by the grown up baby Jesus, it never occurred to any of the so called “wise men” that someone needed to break Mary’s water to induce labour! Now, Jesus is trapped forever in an amniotic sac, forced to live among squalor in a 3 floor walk up. Sad.

  7. Heidi

    I can’t help but think of that old David Bowie flick “Labrynth”, with the crystal ball-thingie.

    “It will show you your dreams, Jesus.”

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