ewww, smells like Kinkade

Today we salute Thomas Kinkade, painter of…actually, I don’t know if he even paints anymore, or just keeps lots of factories busy churning out nativity nausea-bait.

This one spins when you pull the tassel. I hope the wisemen enjoy their ride on the Tilt-O-Jesus.


This tree skirt has embedded fiber optic lights, so the stars twinkle.

seriously?  fiber optic?

And there’s a matching fiber optic wreath! We live in a golden age.


4 thoughts on “ewww, smells like Kinkade

  1. Katherine

    You know, just looking at Thomas Kincade’s work makes me feel like I’ve taken too many turns on the Tilt-O-Hurl. Don’t need a spinning tassel nativity for that.

  2. aicirT

    I was just cruising the Target after-Christmas sales, and heard a young 20s-ish woman saying to someone who may have been her mom: “But this one isn’t fiber optics. I want something that is sparkly and bright.” She wasn’t looking at nativities, but it still made me think of your cavalcade!

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