
Angels We Have Heard
Are High

angelic kitsch...from Hell

Cavalcade of Bad Nativities
it came upon a midnight weird

The Passion of the Tchotchke
holy week kitsch-o-rama

Stations of the Kitsch


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Friday, January 28, 2005

in which dust bunnies are mentioned in a weird context

Yay, the annual meeting is over.

St. Ned's actually has a pretty good time with the annual meeting. The band always plays, and this year they did surf music, mostly so that Wipe Out could be the musical cue before the treasurer's report. The person who reported after him was kind of disappointed to not get any theme music.

It was an interesting meeting, since 2004 sucked major monkey butt was a challenging year for the parish. TheRev announced that we are taking 2005 as a sabbatical year, with the intention of spending a bit of time and energy looking inward and deciding who we are as a community, and what we're doing too much of and not doing enough of. We're going to be on a serious spiritual discipline kick during Lent, which is exciting. Real Lent!

For Ash Wednesday, I thought about filling up one of the showcase bulletin boards in the courtyard with the stuff under the sofa and some dryer lint, and putting a sign in the middle saying, "remember that you are this." And to dust bunnies you shall return.

I can now turn my attention to knitting schoolwork. I have to write a parable for my New Testament class, and while Jesus made that look easy, I have to say, it's So. Not. The kingdom of heaven is like...um...a tootsie roll pop...no. I am fresh out of universal truth here.
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Thursday, January 27, 2005

chia pet euthanasia

So, the youth minister and I got TheRev a chia pet for Christmas. And it's on my desk, because, well, I'm not really sure why.

It's a Shrek head, and the chias (is that the plural of chia?) haven't really grown in an organized way, so he kind of has Ogre Pattern Baldness. And now there is mold growing on the back of his head.
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